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red dot award: communication design 

时间:2008-06-03 12:21  来源:设计之家  作者:red dot design

华文是全球五分之一人口沟通的语言。而华文也推动着今日成长最快速的经济体之一。因此,遍布全球的机构都在使用华文来创造杰出的传达设计作品。为了能更深入地评价这些作品,red dot 特?成立了一个精通华文及中华文化的评审团。如此一来,全球各地的机构与设计师能有机会呈现他们为华人市场所创造出的中文作品。

red dot 是国际设计界的权威,red dot design award (设计大奖) 是受公认的准绳。2008 年赢获red dot 的产品公司包括 Apple、Sony、BMW、Acer, Nokia、Adidas、Mercedes-Benz、Philips、 Lenovo 等。因此,赢得 red dot award: communication design (传达设计大奖)足以表现一家传达设计代办处的卓越水准,拉近与客户的距离。


若想得知更多关于报名的信息,以及上网报名,请游览 http://www.red-dot.de.



An interview with Lin Sau Hoong, jury for Chinese language works of the red dot award: communication design 2008.

red dot award: communication design, 传达设计大奖 2008,中文作品评审,林少芬 的专访。


即使是一个简单的设计与创意都可回归到人性的根本和文化历史的深 层。多年来累积起来的所有一切有关成长过程中所吸取的经验,体会, 道理,领悟,教训,包含人文,影象,旋律,歌谣,记忆,品味,逸事,实录,灵感,趣事,观念,时尚,美学,知识,智慧,奇思,幻想,癖好等等的这些非常个人的元素,都组成了非常个人的文化基因。唯有回归到这个源头,在创意时才能更加自由无阻。因为创意与感 动,原就是来自对自己对他人和对环境的观察与尊重,对历史和对文化的认识与学习,以及对未来和对愿景的想像与憧憬。
How will you describe your design philosophy?
Even a simple design or creativity can be traced to the roots of humanity and the depths of cultural history. As a person matures, his personal experiences in life, principles, realisation, lessons, humanities, images, music, songs, memories, taste, anecdotes, factual records, inspirations, interesting encounters, concepts, fashion sense, aesthetics, knowledge, wisdom, imagination, and habits etc formed his cultural DNA.  Only by drawing on this source can one attain creative freedom. This is because creativity and emotional content are often a result of observing and respecting oneself, others and the environment, understanding and learning about history and culture, as well as by his imagination and visions for the future.


red dot award: communication design (传达设计大奖)首次设立中文评审团, 让中文传达设计作品与整个大奖的参赛作品在同一个平台上竞争。请问您有什么看法?

red dot award: communication design (传达设计大奖)首次设立中文评审团,让中文传达设 计作品与整个大奖的参赛作品在同一的平台上竞争,是对中文创意中华文化与崛起的华文市场的尊重,这在以西方设计作为国际标准的设计领域来说,是有深远重大的意义的。这项创举让以中文作为思考与沟通语文的优秀创意人或创意团队能借着这个互相较量与观摩的机会兢飙世界标准,无形中,这也让创意人或创意团队在发挥设计创意上能回归到文化历史深层最基本的源头,并对自身历史与文化的认识更坦然自在及自信尊重,创意人或创意团队也可从中渐渐建立起属于自己的专业权威,最终将不再依附别人为权威,而是本身成为权威。

For the first time, red dot design award establish a jury panel who understands the Chinese language and culture to evaluate Chinese language works as an undeniable part of this international award, instead of a separate new award. What is your opinion on this?
The establishment of a jury panel that understands the Chinese language and culture allows Chinese communication designs to compete on an equal level with other entries in this international competition. It reflects respect for Chinese language based creativity, the Chinese culture as well as the emerging Chinese market. This initiative is especially meaningful because the design field has been using Western design as the international standard. Now, talented creative professionals, creative teams, who use Chinese as their language of thought and communication, can take advantage of this opportunity to compete against one another as well as to challenge the international standard. This also allows these designers and creative teams to draw creative inspiration from their cultural root, to be more naturally and confidently in touch with their personal history and culture. In the process, these designers or creative teams can gradually establish their professional influence and eventually rely on their own influence instead of others.


若以创意为核心价值来经营,那么,我们应思考如何把抽象的文化基因 转换成可经营的经济产业,然后又该如何提高这个可经营的文化产业的价值,最后更应该传达如何把个人的经历品牌化并销售到国际市场的理念与策略。
Looking at communication design from an industry’s point of view, how will the increasing importance of the Chinese market affect the business strategies of advertising agencies? 
If creativity is the core value for the company, we should think about how to transform abstract cultural elements into a manageable financial asset, increase the value of this cultural asset, and finally, communicate the concept and strategy of transforming one’s personal experience into a brand and marketing this to the world.

若想得知更多关于传达设计大奖报名的信息以及上网报名,请游览 http://www.red-dot.de



